I understand some may not like this, but in order for me, as your REALTOR® to effectively assist you in selling your home and showcasing it into a buyer's dream home, it's essential to DICREETLY TUCK AWAY a few items when we are showing it:

FAMILY PORTRAITS, PHOTOS AND PERSONAL ITEMS WITH NAMES. We care about your privacy. We don't want to reveal any information about your identity or routine, for safety reasons. This is also a good practise so potential buyers can picture their own life in the space. When these items are removed, the home becomes universally appealing.

RELIGIOUS OR POLITICAL SIGNS AND PHOTOS. Creating a neutral atmosphere in your home is crucial to attracting a wide range of buyers. Religious and political beliefs are deeply personal and can be divisive. We want to take controversy and prejudices out of the equation when listing your property.

VALUABLES. This one seems pretty obvious, although let this be a good reminder. I will sum up the reasons into three categories for this item: security, peace of mind and privacy.

PETS. Some potential buyers may have allergies or phobias related to pets. We want buyers to be able to comfortably view the property without any distraction. Even if your furry, feathery or scaly friends are cute and lovable, let them go on a short vacation during showings and open houses. 

CLUTTER. They make rooms look smaller and cramped. They are distracting and can draw attention away from your home's unique features. By removing them, you create a sense of spaciousness, allowing buyers to visualize their own belongings in the space, creating a connection with the home on a personal level.

If your REALTOR® tells you to keep all or any of these things out of sight, please don't take it personally. As hard and a spainful (with others, sometimes) as it sounds, we need to pack them up!

P.S. During showings and open houses, as a SELLER, you shouldn't be there, too! Also, please leave the toilet seat down, ALL THE TIME!

Scarlet Cirio, Your Winnipeg REALTOR®
